The Star City Fitness Mission
Why we are here
Our goal is to guide and coach you into being the healthiest version of yourself. We will be there to teach, listen, and evaluate your progress every step of the way along your journey. You will not be alone in this journey either. We have a growing and supportive community of individuals who are also striving to be better each day.
Alex Woita
Owner and Operator
HIIT Fit Head Coach, CSCS, CFL-2, USAW Advanced Sports and Performance
With a decade of experience as a professional trainer, Alex has had experience working as a 1 on 1 personal trainer as well as teaching group exercise classes in a Functional Fitness setting. He has worked with almost every type of client: from longevity/functional fitness with senior citizens to Youth Performance to weight loss to muscle/strength gain, Alex has seen it all. From his experience, he has found that the saying, “the devil is in the details” to be true to reach success in any of these goals. No matter what a client’s goal is, moving well and feeling good inside their body without unnecessary aches and pains is the first priority. As such, Alex practices what he preaches by focusing on movement quality over quantity in himself, leading to continued strength gains and experiencing less workout-related pain. The trend in the fitness industry has been encouraging the increase in intensity with “Bootcamp” style workouts to reach your goals. There is no question that true strength training and high-intensity workouts are one of the most effective ways to get results in the gym. However, Alex stands firm in his belief that a client must earn the right to train at high intensity or lift heavy by first mastering the basics of moving well.

Mike Prokop
Head Weightlifting Coach, CFL-1, USAW Advance Sports And Performance
Mike knows what it is like to start from ground zero. As someone who was very overweight, then tried all the fads, crash diets, and other mistakes, Mike has seen a lot of what a person can do wrong when trying to become healthy. So his goal as a coach is to help people find balance and do things right. From nutrition, movement, strength, and conditioning, Mike will help guide you to your healthiest self.